
Professional Liability

Into the Void: The Defense of Lack of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction

Subject matter jurisdiction describes the power and author­ity to adjudicate a case, and to enter...

Professional Liability

Motion Practice Jerry Springer-Style: When Zealous Advocacy Becomes Unprofessional Conduct

A recent order by Senior U.S. District Judge Donald L. Graham provides a strong reminder...

Photo: Shutterstock/wutzkohphoto
Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Threatening a Tactic Can Lead to Suspension

Orignally published in the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association e-newsletter, Briefcase on March 27, 2019.  Ethics...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Disparaging the Judge in Your Notice of Appeal

Published in the March 13, 2019 Alabama Defense Lawyers Association e-newsletter, Craig Alexander notes, "Gender...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Sending a Threatening Tweet to a Witness

Craig Alexander’s “Ethics Quick Tip” was included in the March 6, 2019 issue of Alabama...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Creating a Fake Facebook Account to Gather Evidence

Craig Alexander’s "Ethics Quick Tip" was included in the February 27, 2019 issue of Alabama...

Professional Liability

Ethical Considerations in Engaging and Working with Expert Witnesses

Originally published in the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association Journal, Fall 2017, Vol. 33, No. 2...