
Professional Liability

Into the Void: The Defense of Lack of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction

Subject matter jurisdiction describes the power and author­ity to adjudicate a case, and to enter...

Casualty Litigation

Florida Supreme Court Says Permissive Language of Florida PIP Statute and Policy Provisions Dictate Payment of Medical Expenses by Insurers

In Florida, personal injury protection (PIP) coverage limits reimbursement of medical charges to 80% of...

Photo: Romantic
Casualty Litigation

Third DCA on Cell Phone Discovery: Balancing Privacy Rights and Litigation Needs

Cell phones have now been around for decades.  Along the way, they grew up and...

Casualty Litigation

Additur for Future Pain and Suffering Damages

When a jury’s verdict is unreasonably low, the presiding judge may increase it by awarding...

Punitive Damages 2023: The Statute Means What It Says

This article was originally published in the Trial Advocate, Volume 42, No 3, a publication of the...

Casualty Litigation

A Quick Note about Removal with Less Than $75,000 in Medical Specials

Removing a case to federal court requires diversity of citizenship and an amount in controversy...

Commercial Litigation

U.S. Supreme Court Decides Major Personal Jurisdiction Case: Impact in Florida Remains to Be Seen

A recent United States Supreme Court decision on the scope of personal jurisdiction, i.e., a...

Photo: Shutterstock/Sharaf Maksumov
Casualty Litigation

House Bill 837: Big Change to Florida’s Motor Vehicle No-Fault (PIP) Law: Attorney’s Fees

On March 24, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 837 into law making...

Photo: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images
Casualty Litigation

The Multiple Issues Surrounding Medicare and Past Damages

What amount of past medical expenses can a plaintiff present to the jury when he...

Photo: Shutterstock/zimmytws
Product Liability

Florida Tort Reform Now Law: Effective Upon Governor’s Signature

Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 837 into law this morning after the Florida Legislature passed...