
Professional Liability

Motion Practice Jerry Springer-Style: When Zealous Advocacy Becomes Unprofessional Conduct

A recent order by Senior U.S. District Judge Donald L. Graham provides a strong reminder...

Photo: Shutterstock/wutzkohphoto
Professional Liability

Florida Bar Admission Proceedings: Why You Need Counsel

“You have the right to an attorney.” –Miranda warning  “You have the right to be...

Casualty Litigation

Florida Governor Signs COVID Liability Limitation Bill into Law

On March 29, 2021, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 72 into law, providing civil...

Professional Liability

Legislative Update: COVID-19 General Liability Legislation Passes First Key Vote

For most recent update, click here. Florida House Bill 7 (HB 7), Civil Liability for...

Professional Liability

COVID-19 General Liability Legislation Extension to Healthcare Providers

For latest update on this legislation, click here. Shortly after the introduction of the COVID-19... Dean Photography
Professional Liability

11th Circuit Clarifies Standard of Care Required Under Eighth Amendment for Hepatitis-C Inmates in Florida Prisons

Does the Eighth Amendment require Florida prison officials to treat all inmates with chronic Hepatitis-C with...

Photo: Shutterstock: sfam_photo
Commercial Litigation

New Year, New Florida Summary Judgment Standard

It’s Time to Adapt Your Litigation Strategy to a More Flexible Summary Judgment Standard On...

Professional Liability

3rd DCA Confirms Sovereign Immunity Applies to Private Entities Providing Healthcare to State Institutions

In Lazzari v. Guzman, M.D., No. 3D19-597, 2020 WL 6302405(Fla. 3d DCA Oct. 28, 2020),...

Photo: Shutterstock/one photo
Professional Liability

Appellate Court: Public Medical Center within University System has Sovereign Immunity from Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that one factor...

Photo: Shutterstock/ssguy
Professional Liability

4th DCA Affirms Mental Healthcare Providers Owe No Legal Duty to Warn Unidentifiable Potential Victims

The Fourth District Court of Appeal issued its opinion in Pollack v. Cruz on May...

Photo: Shutterstock/Chinnapong