
Professional Liability

3rd DCA Confirms Sovereign Immunity Applies to Private Entities Providing Healthcare to State Institutions

In Lazzari v. Guzman, M.D., No. 3D19-597, 2020 WL 6302405(Fla. 3d DCA Oct. 28, 2020),...

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Professional Liability

Appellate Court: Public Medical Center within University System has Sovereign Immunity from Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that one factor...

Photo: Shutterstock/ssguy
Professional Liability

4th DCA Affirms Mental Healthcare Providers Owe No Legal Duty to Warn Unidentifiable Potential Victims

The Fourth District Court of Appeal issued its opinion in Pollack v. Cruz on May...

Photo: Shutterstock/Chinnapong
Professional Liability

Are You Willing to Bet Your Law License on That Client?

A summary of ABA Formal Opinion 491       The American Bar Association issued Formal Opinion 491...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Threatening a Tactic Can Lead to Suspension

Orignally published in the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association e-newsletter, Briefcase on March 27, 2019.  Ethics...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Disparaging the Judge in Your Notice of Appeal

Published in the March 13, 2019 Alabama Defense Lawyers Association e-newsletter, Craig Alexander notes, "Gender...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Sending a Threatening Tweet to a Witness

Craig Alexander’s “Ethics Quick Tip” was included in the March 6, 2019 issue of Alabama...

Professional Liability

Ethics Quick Tip: Think Twice Before Creating a Fake Facebook Account to Gather Evidence

Craig Alexander’s "Ethics Quick Tip" was included in the February 27, 2019 issue of Alabama...

Professional Liability

Morris v. Muniz: A Sword Against Whom?

Until recently, there had been confusion regarding the application of Florida’s Medical Malpractice Act[1] (the...

Professional Liability

What to Do When Faced With a Complaint Against Your Professional License

This article appeared in the "Consult the Counsel" special advertising section in the Orlando Business...