
Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith

Blurring the Line between Money and Equity: Enforcing Proposals for Settlement in Cases Seeking Equitable Relief

Florida courts have been veering away from the bright-line rule that the offer of judgment/proposal...

Product Liability

Florida Supreme Court to Rule on Constitutionality of Daubert Standard

January 10, 2018 UPDATE:  The Supreme Court of Florida has scheduled oral argument in the...

Employment and Labor

What Happened?!? Five Reasons Why Your Sexual Harassment Training Isn't Working

Each day brings news about yet another sexual harassment claim against a high-profile and powerful...

Professional Liability

Ethical Considerations in Engaging and Working with Expert Witnesses

Originally published in the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association Journal, Fall 2017, Vol. 33, No. 2...

Casualty Litigation

Cost of Convenience for the Grocery Industry: On-Demand Grocery Delivery Service Presents Possible Legal Ramifications

Amazon, Uber, Peapod and FreshDirect have changed the way people shop, travel and order food....

Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith

Resolving the Multiple Peril Puzzle in First Party Insurance Claims

First party insurance claims involving multiple perils present unique challenges when assessing whether an insurance...

Casualty Litigation

The Right To Be Secure Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure of Overseas Electronic Data?

Originally published in the November 6, 2017 online edition of the Daily Business Review A...

Casualty Litigation

Removal: An Important Defense Tool in U.S. Lawsuits against Canadians

Orignally published in the Ontario Insurance Adjuster Association’s Journal, Without Prejudice, September 2017.  In the...

Commercial Litigation

Retailer Liability Under the Florida Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act

Florida retailers have long been part of products liability litigation based on their position in...


SCOTUS Limits Jurisdictions Where Corporations Can Be Sued

With its recent opinion in BNSF Railway Co. v. Tyrrell, the United States Supreme Court...