
Professional Liability

Fifth DCA Reaffirms Protections Against Surprise Tactics at Trial

This past January, Florida’s Fifth District Court of Appeal found that a trial court had...

Professional Liability

When Does a Claim for Legal Malpractice Accrue in the Litigation Context?

The long understood rule of law in Florida is that a cause of action for...

Professional Liability

Florida Supreme Court Denies School District Immunity Under the Cardiac Arrest Survival Act for Failure to Use or Attempt to Use an Available Automatic Defibrillator

The Florida Supreme Court recently held that the Lee County School Board was not immune...

Casualty Litigation

Surveillance of the Incident: What Time Is the Right Time for Production?

Originally published in the Summer 2015 Issue of Trial Advocate Quarterly, attorneys Michael Forte and...

Professional Liability

Florida Professionals May Face Personal Liability For Profession Negligence Even Greater Than Their Employers

UPDATE JUNE 11, 2013 In apparent response to Witt, the Florida legislature has enacted Florida Statutes...

Professional Liability

Medical Malpractice Update: Doctor Patient Privilege After Hasan v. Garvar

In December, the Florida Supreme Court released its opinion in Hasan v. Garvar and reinforced...

Professional Liability

Are Sales People Responsible for Their Customers’ Injuries?

Published in Sales & Marketing Management Magazine, June 3, 2009 If a customer is injured...

Professional Liability

Applying to The Florida Bar – Dealing with the Florida Board of Bar Examiners

After completing law school, it is then time for graduates to take the Bar exam...