
Product Liability

Why The Florida Supreme Court Shouldn't Undo Daubert

Originally published by Law360, New York (July 15, 2016, 10:55 AM ET) Three years after...

Class Actions

Eleventh Circuit's Opinion Increases the Burden on Those Seeking Class Certification

Brown is a "defense favorable" opinion that should be heavily relied upon when challenging class...


Coordinating Discovery in Mass Tort Litigation

In mass tort litigation, such as personal injury suits arising out of airline crashes or...

Employment and Labor

Florida’s Daubert Jurisprudence Gradually Continues to Evolve: First District Decision Emphasizes Timeliness of Daubert Motions & Other Nuances

On May 29, 2015, Florida’s First District Court of Appeal issued a per curiam opinion...

Product Liability

Defense Strategies When Confronting the Perils of an Inconsistent Verdict

New decision by the Florida Supreme Court Eliminates Important Defense Protection in Cases Involving Inconsistent...

Product Liability

Jury Instructions Changed for Product Liability Cases

Originally published in the April 21, 2015 issue of The Daily Business Review On March...

Product Liability

Biomechanical Experts may testify as to causation of an injury

In civil injury litigation, and products liability in particular, expert testimony regarding the mechanism of...

Product Liability

Third DCA: Applying Daubert Under Florida Law in Perez v. Bell South Telecommunications, Inc.

The Third District Court of Appeal of Florida recently issued an opinion in Perez v....

Product Liability

3d DCA Rules Florida’s Proposal for Settlement Laws Conflict With Federal Maritime Law

On April 9, 2014, the Third District Court of Appeal of Florida issued an en...

Toxic Torts

Functional Foods: Science is Ahead of the Law

Originally published in the ABA Section of Litigation, Products Liability News and Developments, April 7,...