DUI Crashes: Officer Liability
You pull-over someone for running a stop sign. The driver turns out not to have...
You pull-over someone for running a stop sign. The driver turns out not to have...
South Florida Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman recently sanctioned a plaintiff for failing to properly prepare his...
The digital revolution in our society has fostered sea changes in the lives of both...
Under common law, commercial establishments historically were not liable for selling or providing alcoholic beverages...
In late 2011, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law The Federal Courts Jurisdiction...
The whirlwind builds slowly starting with a phone call, claim or suit papers hitting the...
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A significant decision was recently issued by the Supreme Court of Florida regarding the burden...
American Apparel settled an ADA claim for $60,000 and agreed to spend $20,000 of the settlement amount...
Claiming a breach of contract, Macy’s sued Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. after the latter...