Hangover II: Louis Vuitton Files Trademark Infringement Case Against Warner Bros.
The film “The Hangover II” has spawned a trademark infringement suit by retailer and manufacturer...
The film “The Hangover II” has spawned a trademark infringement suit by retailer and manufacturer...
Retailers have filed suit to press the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System...
Increasingly in today’s economy, Florida attorneys are finding themselves handling litigation for or against parties...
The Florida Supreme Court in West v. Caterpillar, 336 So. 2d 80 (Fla. 1976), adopted...
The Florida Supreme Court has recently adopted amendments to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.720,...
On December 1, 2010, a three judge panel of the Florida Fourth District Court of...
Contractual agreements often include clauses that require arbitration should a dispute arise. Many times, attorneys...
In 2006, The Florida Legislature amended Florida Statutes Section 768.81 and abolished joint and several...
Various air carriers have requirements in the event that a passenger seeks to state a...
Collateral estoppel, like the related doctrine of res judicata, preserves a party’s resources and furthers...