Invoking the 24 Hour Rule: Shirley Sherrod Firing Provides Valuable Lessons for Management
When a video clip of a presentation Shirley Sherrod made earlier this year at an...
When a video clip of a presentation Shirley Sherrod made earlier this year at an...
Can public universities require student groups to admit “all comers” as members if they want...
On July 6, 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled that...
On April 14, 2010 Governor Crist signed into law Florida Senate Bill 1224 “Relating to...
As small companies begin to grow and add employees, they may not be fully aware...
Community Maritime Park Associates, Inc. (“CMPA”) is a not-for-profit corporation charged by the City of...
The Florida Supreme Court is currently considering revisions to the Florida Standard Jury Instructions that...
The 111st Congress introduced House Resolution 413 Public Safety Employer – Employee Cooperation Act...
First published in the October 31, 2009 newsletter for FPERLA (Florida Public Empoyer Labor Relations Association)...
Originally published in The Florida Bar Journal, Volume 80, No. 9 October 2005 On May...