
Casualty Litigation

Florida Premises Statute Reintroduces the Notice Requirement for Plaintiff to Plead and Prove into Premises Liability Actions

On April 14, 2010 Governor Crist signed into law Florida Senate Bill 1224 “Relating to...

Employment and Labor

Court Affirms: Public Meetings Open to Public but Not for Speaking

Community Maritime Park Associates, Inc. (“CMPA”) is a not-for-profit corporation charged by the City of...

Product Liability

Risk Utility vs. Consumer Expectations in Product Liability Cases

The Florida Supreme Court is currently considering revisions to the Florida Standard Jury Instructions that...

Employment and Labor

Public Safety Employer – Employee Cooperation Act Of 2009: Does The Federal Government Really Know What Is Best For Local Governments?

  The 111st Congress introduced House Resolution 413 Public Safety Employer – Employee Cooperation Act...

Employment and Labor

The United States Supreme Court Announces New Rule For First Amendment Free Speech Cases: Public Employee Whistle-Blowers Need Not Apply

Originally published in The Florida Bar Journal, Volume 80, No. 9  October 2005 On May...

Employment and Labor

PINing in the Public Arena: Beware of Private Texting

First published in the October 31, 2009 newsletter for FPERLA (Florida Public Empoyer Labor Relations Association)...

Employment and Labor

EEOC Updates GINA Act

Background Information for EEOC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking On Title II of the Genetic Information...

Toxic Torts

Federal Preemption after Wyeth v. Levine

Originally published in DRI In-House Defense Quarterly, Summer 2009 View article

Commercial Litigation

Debt Collectors Beware – Are You Seeking to Collect A Time Barred Debt?

Debt collectors can be liable for actual and statutory damages under the Fair Debt Collection...

Professional Liability

Are Sales People Responsible for Their Customers’ Injuries?

Published in Sales & Marketing Management Magazine, June 3, 2009 If a customer is injured...