Beyond the Bio

Black History Month: A Focus on Our Local Communities and their Rich History

Black History Month: A Focus on Our Local Communities and their Rich History

February is Black History Month—a time to reflect on the principles of fairness, justice, and equality that guide us as legal industry professionals. By recognizing this month, we reaffirm our commitment to these values and deepen our understanding of African American achievements and the fight for equal opportunity.  This year, RumbergerKirk offices were encouraged to learn more about the rich history and contributions of African Americans in our local communities.

RK Birmingham office visited the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

From local bar association events to guided group tours and presentations, each office celebrated in its own unique way. In Birmingham, employees took a group tour of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, a cultural and educational research center affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution.

RK Tampa employees gathered for a catered lunch to listen to a guest speaker from the Jackson House Foundation to discuss the history of The Jackson Rooming House, a National Register landmark from 1901 that housed African American travelers during segregation. Famous travelers who stayed included Martin Luther King Jr., Nat King Cole, James Brown, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and many other famous African Americans. The Foundation aims to restore and preserve the house as an African American Museum.

The Tallahassee office visited the Tallahassee Civil Rights Memorial

The RK team in Tallahassee walked to the Tallahassee Civil Rights Memorial together. The Memorial is on the former site of the Leon County jail which honors civil rights activists who protested segregation by organizing a “jail-in” that drew national attention in the 1960s. The exhibit honors the courageous men and women who led the jail-in and interprets other key events in Tallahassee’s civil rights history.

Our Orlando office joined together for a breakfast to learn about supporting the Parramore Community Garden, which helps provide healthy food options for a community that has historically struggled with food insecurity and access.

Orlando attorney Reggie Guillaume talks about Parramore Community Garden

In addition, our offices continued the tradition of using Black-owned restaurants for catering luncheons and events throughout the month of February.



