Carie Hall Wins Key Final Summary Judgment for Two Clients: Busch Gardens and WCI Communities, LLC
Carie Hall Wins Key Final Summary Judgment for Two Clients: Busch Gardens and WCI Communities, LLC

In the first case, Tampa Partner Carie Hall represented Busch Gardens in Heather Bennett v. Busch Gardens – Case No.: 2018-CA-009029. Plaintiff claims she was injured during a rescue training class on the Congo River Rapids. The court entered Final Summary Judgment, finding Busch Gardens is entitled to enforce the rescue company’s liability waiver as both an agent and volunteer of the rescue company conducting the class, and also finding Busch Gardens did not breach any duty owed to Plaintiff.
In the second case, Hall represented WCI Communities, LLC in Terry Hillman v. WCI Communities, LLC – Case No.: 2020-CA-7830. In this case, Plaintiff was an employee of a security company injured during the course and scope of his duties. The court entered Final Summary Judgment, agreeing that WCI could not be held liable for the injuries to an employee of an independent contractor because WCI was a passive non-participant that exercised no control over the security services at the construction entrance. The judge determined WCI was a statutory employer and, therefore, was entitled to workers’ compensation immunity.