Big Bend SHRM HR Tallahassee
Donald L Tucker Civic Center

Employment Law Roundup: RumbergerKirk Attorneys Offer Insight at Big Bend SHRM Annual Conference

Employment Law Roundup: RumbergerKirk Attorneys Offer Insight at Big Bend SHRM Annual Conference

During the Big Bend SHRM 20th Annual HR Tallahassee conference, RumbergerKirk attorneys provided important employment law updates for HR professionals. Their conversation covered a wide-range of topics including:

  • AI in HR
  • New FTC Rule that bans non-compete agreements in all employment contracts
  • U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Muldrow v. St. Louis clarifies the scope of Title VII protections for transfer decisions
  • FLSA exempt/nonexempt status and the importance of proper classification
  • The conflict between state and federal law regarding gender/biological sex/transgender discrimination law in the workplace