Florida Turns the Other Way as Demand Rises for Police Transparency, Tampa Bay Times
Florida Turns the Other Way as Demand Rises for Police Transparency, Tampa Bay Times
Partner David Marsey talked with the Tampa Bay Times regarding Marsy’s Law and the recent court ruling allowing officers to invoke Marsy’s law victim confidentiality (read about that ruling) . Under Florida Rules of precedent, Florida’s trial courts are bound by this decision unless or until another District Court of Appeal renders a different opinion or this case is reversed by the Florida Supreme Court.
“Florida’s nearly 400 law enforcement agencies should review and, if necessary, revise policies to recognize on-duty officers’ right to have their names withheld,” said David Marsey, general counsel of the Florida Police Chiefs Association.
Marsey estimated that about half the association’s members have applied Marsy’s Law to on-duty officers. He said the association “continues to support legislative clarification on the ambiguities of Marsy’s Law.”