Freedom High School Students Get a Glimpse into the Legal Field
Freedom High School Students Get a Glimpse into the Legal Field
RumbergerKirk Hosted an Educational Law Program in Partnership with Allstate Insurance Company and Street Law, Inc.
Students from Freedom High School in Orlando participated in a three-day educational law program presented by The Law Offices of Robert J. Smith (in-house counsel for Allstate Insurance Company) and RumbergerKirk (RK) from January 9 – 11, 2019. The Corporate Legal Diversity Pipeline Program, a joint effort of Street Law, Inc. and the Association of Corporate Counsel, provides students with an overview of relevant legal topics and insight into careers in the legal field.
On Wednesday and Thursday, attorneys and staff from Allstate and RK presented seminars at Freedom High School regarding contracts and advertising law and how they relate to the students’ daily lives. Friday’s program, at the offices of RK, provided students with a more in-depth look at both contracts and advertising law. The event included interactive workshops such as a mock mediation on a contract dispute and a role-playing scenario in which the students were asked to act as attorneys consulting clients regarding proposed advertisements.

Following the workshops, students explored careers available in the legal profession and interacted with local professionals at a job fair. Judges of the Ninth Judicial Circuit attended, along with attorneys and other professionals related to the legal industry, such as court reporters, interpreters, insurance adjusters, process servers, and paralegals. Individuals in administrative fields, including human resources and marketing, also presented at the job fair.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to interact with legal and related professionals and spark their interest in careers they might not have known exist,” said Orlando Partner Lori Caldwell, the attorney coordinator of the program at the firm for the past six years.

About the Partners:
Street Law, Inc. is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization which strives to educate students and communities worldwide about law, democracy and human rights. It seeks to empower individuals to actively contribute to society through its various programs, including its Corporate Legal Diversity Pipeline Program.
The Law Offices of Robert J. Smith is Allstate’s Florida staff counsel, representing Allstate, its associated companies, and their insureds in legal matters covered under their policies.