Mother’s Day Advice: What Our Mothers Taught Us
Mother’s Day Advice: What Our Mothers Taught Us
From wiping our tears when we were hurt or sad, to inspiring us to do our very best, mothers care for us from the very start of our lives. They nurture us, teach us, guide us and often sacrifice for us. Their support gets us through tough times and helps us celebrate the great times. In honor of Mother’s Day, RumbergerKirk staff shared their mothers’ best advice (and stories). Thanks, mom!

Dick Caldwell, Of Counsel: Figure out what it is you want to do with your life and don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do it.
Dick’s mom, Laura Caldwell, was one of the first 400 women soldiers in U.S. history. After his father enlisted in the Army early in 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbor, his mother felt a bit left behind in the small town of Thomasville, Georgia, despite having a civilian job. As 1942 went on, there was increasing nationwide support for creation of a Women’s Army Corps (WAC), to assume administrative and technical non-combat Army positions, thus freeing up more men for combat arms service. Support for this proposal was not universal, as a number of public figures, including senators and congressmen, bitterly and very publicly opposed it. When the program was announced in the spring of 1942, Dick’s mother applied for a position in the WAC. She was thrilled when she was accepted! She was initially stationed at Ft. De Moines, Iowa, for what amounted to basic training, and was in the first graduating class of women soldiers.
She was ultimately stationed back in south Georgia, serving as a recruitment officer – making speeches, attending ceremonies, and talking up the Army to folks in the area. “Unfortunately for her military career, but very fortunately for me, I came along, and ended her tour of duty,” shared Dick.
Throughout Dick’s life, his mother encouraged him to continue forward to achieve his goals, whatever they might be. He said that she led by example, always pushing for herself to do more.
“In the late 1940s-early ‘50s, it was less common for women in the rural South to work outside the home, but she was always busy contributing to the family welfare financially, while raising me and my younger sister, being active in the church and social organizations, etc. Probably more than anything she told me, I think that example influenced my life decisions,” said Dick.
Carlie Duquette, Paralegal: If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing right

Jamie Lightfoot, Paralegal: Don’t neglect yourself or your health as a mother; you can’t take care of everyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.
“I love this advice as its really universally applicable to all–fathers, mothers, spouses, etc.,” said Jamie.

Rebecca Beers, Partner: Take time for yourself and to relax, be polite and kind, and always wear lipstick!
Skip Eubanks, Partner: Don’t pull on a shark’s tail!

Skip’s dad was stationed in Eleuthera in the Bahamas while in the U.S. Navy and Skip lived there with his parents until he was about three. His mom would take him to the beach to play. “She used to put me in the tide pools to play in the water and one day she looked over and a little shark had swam in with me…so one of the best lessons was ‘don’t pull on a sharks tail’.
She also used to put land crabs in his playpen after she pulled the claws off so he could play with them. Skip pointed out that the box in the back of the Navy Jeep was his playpen and pointed out all of the great “safety” features (or lack thereof!).
Gigi Cordova, Partner: Always be kind and loving to others.

Andrea Villena, Legal Assistant: Show up. For your friends, for your family, and for yourself. You never know how much someone will need someone like you until you show up.

Linda Latham, Paralegal: Love by example and help people in need because you never know what their situation might be.

Linda Latham’s 97-year-old mother, Evelyn Lawson Aaron, is affectionately known as “Mommy Aaron.” She taught her family to love by example. Not only did she make her 9 children feel loved and special, but all her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren as well. “Friends have always been welcomed to our home – usually with a hug, a smile and an amazing meal on the table,” said Linda.
And, even at 97 years young, she is still serving her church and community. When someone in the neighborhood is sick, she cooks a meal for them. And, a lot of the family still meets at her house on Sunday for lunch. There is often as many as 20 people for lunch because anyone from her church, community or friends that don’t have family have an open invitation at her table.
Linda says she still receives dozens of cards from our childhood friends, ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends expressing their thanks for affecting their lives in a positive way.

Maria Renaud, Legal Assistant: Listen to the person’s advice who has nothing to lose or gain from your decision.
Marisa Eubanks, Marketing Director: Be independent

Marisa’s mother was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was a teacher before she married her father and then they emigrated to the United States. She was very strong and smart. She always pushed Marisa to be independent and make a path for herself. “From very early on, I always knew I was going to go to college, have a career, and know how to take care of myself and I’m so grateful for her encouragement,” said Marisa.
Leonard Dietzen, Partner: You only go around once. Have fun while you’re young.