Beyond the Bio

Peeps Make Everything Sweeter Especially Our Troop Packages

Peeps Make Everything Sweeter Especially Our Troop Packages

RumbergerKirk ships 37 boxes filled with necessities, snacks and springtime treats to troops across the globe.

RumbergerKirk’s tradition of sending care packages to military troops serving overseas continues. Three to four times a year, we gather our own troops to donate personal hygiene items, snacks, and other goodies to ship to troops in remote parts of the world. Each spring, the shipments include cheerful and colorful Peeps to brighten the days of our hardworking service men and women.

Each troop receives several boxes to share with each other and include everything from the necessities–razors, deodorant, wipes, hand sanitizer, foot powder and socks–as well as magazines, books, coffee, flavored drink mixes, snacks and, yes, Peeps.

“These particular boxes are headed to Guam, Europe, Qatar and several places we cannot name,” said Lisa Griffin, a legal assistant at RumbergerKirk who has been coordinating the shipments for more than 10 years. “It’s important that our service people we care and our thoughts are with them, especially in these dangerous times,” she said.

She would know as her own son was the inspiration for the program. When her son was deployed to Iraq in 2008, he told her that many of the service people were not receiving mail or care packages like he was. She was inspired to take action and has been collecting and sending packages on behalf of the firm ever since.

“I couldn’t do it without the firm’s support or the help of all of the donations of goods and money to mail the boxes. Each time, I’m overwhelmed with the kindness that makes this possible.”