Firm News

RumbergerKirk Secures Defense Verdict in Florida Trucking Accident Case

RumbergerKirk Secures Defense Verdict in Florida Trucking Accident Case

RumbergerKirk attorneys obtained a defense verdict in a trucking accident case in Polk County, Florida. In the case, Ary v. Gomez Orantes and Bonus Transportation Inc., the plaintiff claimed neck and back injuries from a rear-end collision that occurred on August 17, 2022.

Plaintiff’s counsel asked the jury to award just under $1 million in damages. The trial team of partner Joe Metzger and associate Brent Hartman, along with paralegals Jose Ayala and Diana Bronson, overcame Florida law’s presumption of negligence against a rear-end driver and convinced the jury there was no negligence on the part of the defendant driver.