Scott Williams and a Panel of Experts Address Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy during ABI Spring Meeting
Scott Williams and a Panel of Experts Address Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy during ABI Spring Meeting
Birmingham partner Scott Williams participated on a panel with regard to litigation surrounding the automatic stay in bankruptcy at the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) 2018 Annual Spring Meeting in Washington, DC last week. The automatic stay is an issue in every bankruptcy proceeding. The panel discussed how and when to make challenges to the stay as it is a strategic part of most bankruptcies and can significantly influence the success of a reorganization. Williams and the other panelists provided information to attendees on challenges to the automatic stay in both consumer and commercial bankruptcies, as well as procedural, substantive and strategic considerations that go into litigating the automatic stay.
The panel included:
- Hon. Barbara J. Houser, Moderator, U.S. Bankruptcy Court (N.D. Tex.); Dallas
- Bess M. Parrish Creswell, Burr & Forman LLP; Mobile, Ala.
- Mark M. Maloney, King & Spalding LLP; Atlanta
- R. Scott Williams, RumbergerKirk; Birmingham, Ala.
For 35 years, ABI’s Annual Spring Meeting has drawn insolvency professionals from around the country to gather for inspiring keynote sessions, important networking events, and a variety of targeted educational sessions that offer fresh approaches, practical direction and tactical strategies professionals can implement right away.
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