Florida Supreme Court Holds FTC’s “Single Document Rule” Does Not Apply to Binding Arbitration Agreements Under Magnuson-Moss Act
On February 18, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court held that...

Our clients are manufacturers, distributors and component suppliers for a variety of products, including automobiles, off-road vehicles, motorcycles, motorhomes, boats, personal watercraft, and commercial trucks. We counselour clients on compliance with their warranty obligations and related federal and state law, and defend them in cases throughout the Southeast against claims under the Federal Magnuson-Moss Act, the Uniform Commercial Code, state Lemon Laws and other consumer protection statutes.
We help clients avoid defense costs by developing and implementing strategies for resolving warranty disputes before a lawsuit is filed. When litigation cannot be prevented, our team quickly exhausts any remaining settlement possibilities and, absent an early resolution, immediately implements an aggressive and efficient defense plan targeting summary judgment or a favorable jury verdict.
Our warranty practice group has had a number of successes at arbitration and trial and has successfully litigated the Magnuson-Moss Act “right to cure” in front of judges and jurors in Florida. We were also at the forefront of an ongoing battle over whether consumers could require manufacturers to pay their attorneys’ fees incurred in Florida lemon law arbitrations.
In addition to obtaining three published decisions in favor of our clients, our warranty team has twice successfully appeared as amicus curiae counsel on behalf of the Alliance of Automobile Motor Manufacturers on this issue.