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This summer, do real work on real cases. Become a Summer Associate.
Work closely with preeminent lawyers, receive hands-on training and development, and be integrally involved in real cases. Our Summer Associate Program is your start to a successful career.
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Real Cases.
Applying Knowledge.
Attend hearings, depositions, and mediations.
- Perform in a mock trial, depositions, opening and closings, and motions practice.
- Attend educational seminars and workshops.
- Draft memorandums, motions, and pleadings.
- Do legal research.

Follow along each year as our Summer Associates share every week what they’re learning and working on at RumbergerKirk.
Read the blogWhat to Expect
Over the course of ten weeks with RumbergerKirk, you’ll gain hands-on experience attending hearings and depositions, drafting motions and pleadings, and being part of a mock trial.
You’ll also get to know our partners, associates, and staff better during fun social outings.
Orientation and getting to know your colleagues Orientation and getting to know your colleagues
Taking Depositions Seminar Taking Depositions Seminar
Opening & Closing Statements Opening & Closing Statements
Writing Competition Writing Competition
Motion Practice Motion Practice
Direct & Cross Direct & Cross
Mock Trial Mock Trial
Summer Fun Summer Fun
Orientation and getting to know your colleagues
You will spend two days in-person with your fellow summer associates for orientation and training, starting with a welcome breakfast to meet the attorneys and staff of the office. Then you are off to training on the firm’s systems and procedures followed by a lunch with some of your mentors. The first night is capped off with a happy hour and dinner with RK attorneys at a fun locale. After the second day of training is complete, off you go to your designated offices to begin your summer journey!
Taking Depositions Seminar
One of the core tasks of being a litigator is taking depositions. In this segment, RK partners will teach you the fundamentals to taking a comprehensive and effective deposition and how to both gather information and strategically prepare for the defense including trial. During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to use a real case fact pattern and implement the skills you were taught in the seminar portion. Other RK attorneys will serve as your opposing counsel and witness. Afterwards, along with your fellow summer associates, you will roundtable the exercise with the RK attorneys who participated with you and receive constructive feedback in a positive collegial environment.
Opening & Closing Statements
Trial lawyers know how important and influential opening and closing statements can be to their case. In this seminar and workshop, you will learn the different nuances that are key including style, voice, inflexion and confidence. A seasoned trial partner will provide pointers including how to start, personalizing your clients to the jury and planning your theme. You will also learn how to incorporate key testimony, jury instructions and attacking your opponent’s weakness in closing.
During the workshop, you will travel to the Tampa office where you will be given a real fact pattern from a case that is set for trial in the following months and receive condensed deposition summaries and a copy of the complaint and some exhibits. You will then be assigned to do opening or closing and show off what you learned during the seminar portion. Afterwards, RK attorneys will provide constructive feedback and pointers and then carry on the tradition of a celebratory lunch at Columbia Restaurant.
Writing Competition
There is more to litigation than presenting a case to a judge or jury. Quality writing is an important skill for a successful litigator. Written motion practice sets the stage for success at hearing or trial. The writing competition is a chance for our summer associates to show their written advocacy abilities. It also provides a glimpse into the real work of lawyers in a litigation practice. The writing competition will give you a chance to see how depositions can be used for purposes outside of trial. With this competition, you will be presented with a deposition transcript and other documents from a past real case and asked to prepare a motion to exclude an expert witness. Not only will you be drafting a motion for the competition, but you will then be arguing it in the Motion Workshop later in the summer.
Four RK partners review and grade all of the submissions so scoring is uniform with the winner being announced at a later date.
Motion Practice
Ninety percent of a litigation practice is writing motions and arguing them. An essential part of being a civil litigator is winning motions which helps you win cases. By the time you go through our motions practice workshop you will be able to capably argue a basic motion in front of a judge on your first day on the job. The Motion Practice Seminar is unique in that it involves two seminars and then a workshop. In the first seminar, you will learn tips on drafting motions. In the second seminar, you will learn about the nuance of arguing motions.
The workshop simulates a real hearing in a real setting, both in person and virtual, because virtual proceedings are so prevalent now. We aim to give our summer associates an authentic feel to motion and hearing practice. What is especially exciting is that the motion workshop is tied in with the writing competition in which you will actually argue the motion you drafted earlier in the summer. And as with all of our summer workshops, you will receive feedback immediately after and be one step closer to being ready for the mock trial.
Direct & Cross
Experienced trial attorneys know how important direct and cross examinations of witnesses are to the success of their case. This segment will provide you with real life examples from trials, some that worked and some that didn’t, and teach you different ways to prepare for and conduct direct and cross examinations. During the workshop, RK trial attorneys will provide you with a real case fact pattern in which you will have a chance to conduct your own direct and cross examination of a witness, typically played by RK attorneys or paralegals. You may even play opposing counsel for your fellow summer associates.
Mock Trial
The highlight of RK’s Summer Program is the Mock Trial at the end of the ten weeks. You will once again get to see all of your fellow summer clerks in person as you travel to the Orlando office to participate in the Mock Trial. It is the culmination of all of the training and practice you have had all summer with the seminars and workshops, as well as witnessing RK attorneys in real proceedings. This will be your chance to show off what you have learned.
We try to make the Mock Trial as realistic as possible with three partners serving as judges and other RK attorneys and staff playing witnesses. Your mentors and other attorneys will provide coaching and an evidence seminar to help you prepare your case. Whether you are assigned to be plaintiff or defense, each of you will have the opportunity to do opening and closing statements as well as direct and cross examine a witness. After the last trial ends, the judges will provide insightful and constructive feedback on your performance followed by a celebratory happy hour with the whole office where we announce the award for Best Advocate.
Going back to law school after participating in our Summer Program will be a lot of fun as you tell your classmates all of the wonderful activities and learning experience you had with us!
Summer Fun
The RK Summer Associate Program is not all work, there is a lot of fun to be had too! During the summer, you will have ample opportunities to socialize, enjoy fun activities and get to know RK attorneys and staff. Whether it’s Top Golf, a Tampa Bay Rays or Miami Marlins game, dinner and cocktails or down home barbeque at a partner’s home, we want to make sure you sneak in some fun between workshops and real client work. On the more business side but still fun, we also like to provide opportunities for you to attend Inn of Court events, observe trials, tours of the courthouse, and various bar association events.

The Summer Associate Program culminates in a mock trial. Many of our associates, partners, and staff participate as coaches, judges, and witnesses. The trial is a challenging and rewarding end to an energizing summer.
Apply NowThe Culture
We work hard, but we know how to enjoy ourselves. Through engaging group activities you can get to know our people on a more personal level. And have fun doing it.

The Verdict
We believe that doing is the best way to learn. Hear what some of our summer associate graduates who have gone on to have successful careers with RumbergerKirk have to say about their experiences.
Read the blogDrag
This program offers invaluable insight into litigation. I drafted dispositive motions, joined client meetings, and prepared trial materials from day one. The attorneys treat you as part of the team. The Mock Trial is an excellent way to gain experience and receive feedback from seasoned litigators—and it’s a lot of fun!
Julie Potts

You won’t find another program like this one. It will provide a better education, and let you work closer with your attorneys than any other Summer Associate experience.
Fred Clarke

During the program, I had the opportunity to research and draft an appellate brief. I threw myself into the assignment, worked extremely hard, and my supervising partner filed my draft with virtually no changes. That was very satisfying and sealed my job offer. I also had a lot of fun that summer with the clerkship’s social activities.
Charles P. Mitchell

The mock trial was my favorite part of the summer program. No other clerkship offered the opportunity to actually try a case. You learn so much more about actual litigation when you actually get to litigate, even if its fake.
Suzanne Barto Hill

The summer associate program allowed me to hit the ground running when I started as an associate, I knew what was expected of me and had less of a learning curve.
Brett M. Carey

RK’s summer program was transformative! I learned so much about practicing law in a rewarding, supportive environment. The attorneys were generous with their insights and invested in helping me grow. I also had fun getting to know them personally at the firm’s many social events.
Hannah L. Klonowski

My favorite part of the summer program was doing real work on real cases, not busy work for pretend projects.
Daniel J. Gerber

Whether or not a job offer is extended, you leave the program with much more knowledge than you started with…no other firm provides the chance to learn from seasoned professionals in a structured setting and compete in a mock trial at the end of the summer.
Robert P. Barton

My favorite part of the Summer Associates Program was working closely with attorneys in the firm who demonstrated skills and techniques that helped me grow.
Michael L. Forte

This program is an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in litigation. I loved how hands-on and involved the summer was. You get exposure to different stages of litigation, detailed feedback, and to see how attorneys handle things differently. It helps you start developing your style before practicing.
Madison Buckley