Busy, Busy, Busy!
Busy, Busy, Busy!
I can’t believe there are only two more weeks before the end of the Summer Associate Program, time needs to slow down!
Week seven began with our last summer associate seminar. Scott Sarason talked to us about direct and cross-examinations. He had one of the most engaging presentations— sharing scenes from classic lawyer movies like My Cousin Vinny and A Few Good Men. Scott explained that a good cross and/or direct comes down to one thing–preparation. This has definitely been the theme of my experience this summer, preparation is key for an attorney. From hearings to meetings to direct examinations, proper preparation makes all the difference. Monday afternoon, we were also able to attend RumbergerKirk’s “Associate College.” The monthly event (now webinar) the firm holds for associates to learn and practice skills. It was nice to be included and to see some new faces from the different offices.

Tuesday, we had the most exciting meeting so far, in my opinion. We finally learned the rules for the end of summer Mock Trial Competition! Each year the firm holds a mock trial with the summer associates and a panel of judges crowns the best advocate. This year, due to the state of things, the competition is different in many ways. To make sure everyone is safe, the competition is going to be totally virtual. Having completed trial ad online and at home in Spring 2020, I am excited to be able to work in a large conference room and have the office resources on hand. Another difference is that each of the summer associates is working independently. In the past, the associates were partnered up but that would be much harder to do under these circumstances.
When the packet was officially released on Wednesday, I was ready to dive in, but first I had to prepare for the direct/cross workshop. We directed a plaintiff’s witness on what he saw during an automobile collision. Miami associate Jens Ruiz played the witness and he did an excellent job showing us the kind of responses we are likely to get from such a witness. During my examination, I used one of the exhibits Scott provided in the packet. It was a little tricky getting the technology to work smoothly so I know I need to practice using it before the Mock Trial competition.
Friday, I had a virtual lunch with associate Rebecca Arends. I’m so grateful that so many attorneys are making a point to reach out and connect with me since it’s a little harder to do so this year. Rebecca gave me a new assignment, but of course by the end of the day I was busy, busy, busy going through the Mock Trial packet!