How has it Already Been a Month?!
How has it Already Been a Month?!
I can’t believe it is already week four! My week started off fast-paced. I started by finishing the SAP writing competition motion, while working simultaneously on a few other projects. Associate David Acosta asked me to research the “one expert per specialty” rule pursuant to a pretrial order. Partner Jacey Kaps had tasked me with researching objections to a CME and whether a plaintiff could require an independent medical examiner to provide proof of medical malpractice insurance. In the afternoon, I attended the opening/closing argument seminar lead by partner Rob Blank. I spent my entire evening working on my motion for the writing competition.
On Tuesday morning, I attended the Direct and Cross Examination seminar lead by partner Scott Sarason. This was a different experience than my last few seminars, as the others I have attended via video conference. I really liked Scott’s interactive approach and his use of real-life cases and video examples to keep his presentation interesting. I’m excited to do the workshop next week! The rest of the day I spent working on a couple ongoing projects: the scope of Florida’s wrongful death statute and recoverable damages when there is a surviving spouse (for partners Steve Smith and Mike Holt); continued working on creating ‘checklists’ to utilize in defense trucking litigation (for Jacey Kaps); and researched untimely objections to notices of non-party subpoenas (for Mike Holt).

On Wednesday I left the office a little earlier than usual to get to the airport and head to the Tampa office. What everyone fears occurred: my flight was delayed three hours. However, I was able to get some more prep work done for the closing argument workshop that was taking place the next morning. When I finally landed in Tampa, I went straight to Grace’s apartment and we stayed up for a few more hours to continue talking about the case we were arguing the next morning. Thursday morning, Grace and I got to the office around 7:00 am to print our arguments and practice. In what felt like five minutes, 9:30 am hit and it was time to do the closing argument workshop. I must admit it was nerve-wrecking doing a closing argument in front of a room full of experienced trial attorneys (plus my mentor, associate Maggie Sanders via video conference).
Eric, Paris, and Grace all did such a great job—I was extremely impressed with their oral advocacy! I loved seeing everyone again since our orientation a few weeks back in Orlando, and hearing about what everyone had been working on. The workshop was extremely helpful. I received SO much feedback that I hope to incorporate into my closing argument for the mock trial. After the workshop, the firm took all the Summer Associates to a restaurant called Columbia for lunch. After a delicious meal, I went straight to the airport to travel back to the 305.
Friday, I spent playing catch-up after being gone for a day. I sat in on the beginning of a plaintiff’s deposition for one of Scott Sarason’s current product liability cases. In the afternoon, I talked with partner Suzanne Singer about an upcoming article she is authoring discussing workplace violence in hospitals that she wants my help with. To wrap up my week, I worked on reviewing/proofing an appellate brief for partner Josh Lerner. Over the weekend, I spent a much needed day at the beach and used some of my free time on Sunday catching up on assignments I hadn’t finished after traveling to Tampa. I’m learning a lot and I’m looking forward to the rest of my summer at Rumberger—and especially the mock trial (which is right around the corner)!!