Mock Trial Prep & Flow Charts
Mock Trial Prep & Flow Charts

How can there be only two
weeks of summer left?! I really can’t believe how fast it has gone by. This
week I was able to get deep into preparing for the mock trial. Jeff and I had
practices scheduled every day to go over our openings, cross and direct
examinations, and motions in limine. Several of the attorneys from both of our
offices have attended our practices as well, which has been incredibly helpful!
While it can be overwhelming preparing cases for both sides of the trial, it
has also been beneficial because it has forced me to analyze opposing counsel’s
arguments in more detail and anticipate objections. I think it has allowed me
to feel a lot more prepared than I otherwise would. Even though work
assignments continue to flow in, the mock trial is always in the back of my
mind. I find myself constantly thinking of things to add or change to my
arguments and practicing in front of my reflection in my office window!
This week, my assignments were focused on workers’
compensation laws, which can be incredibly complex! Going through the case law,
it is nearly impossible for me to keep straight all of the contractors,
subcontractors, and sub-subcontractors and who had immunity and who doesn’t. So
for every case I analyze, I began creating flowcharts! I am a visual person, so
it has really helped me to break down the cases, analyze the law, and apply it
to the memorandums I am drafting.
I am very excited for the upcoming week since it is the last
full week before all of the summer associates meet in Orlando for the mock
trial! Most of my week will be spent tweaking my arguments and reading the
trial packet over and over. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in
Orlando over the weekend and applying all of the skills we learned from the
seminars and workshops at the mock trial!