Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Week four in the Summer Associate program was the busiest I have been in a very, very long time. Monday, finally our writing competition paper was due. I know that all four of us were still finalizing it on Monday. Personally, I know I printed it out about four times then proofread it with a red pen until I couldn’t find any errors. The firm is big on submitting work that has been proofread. My mentor, Lindy Keown, taught me a trick which is to read the document backwards line by line. It is time consuming, but yet very efficient. So it is definitely a method I will be adding to my work ethic. We also participated in the Opening Statement and Closing Argument Seminar held by Rob Blank down in Tampa via Zoom. It was very informational and allows for our creativity. We will be giving our closing arguments. I represented the plaintiff in the case so I had to go first. The turnaround time for our workshop is Thursday so I had to get started right away.

Tuesday, I was able to tag along with Partner Sally Culley (also my mentor) to accompany her to an oral argument she had in the 4th DCA in West Palm Beach. She was appellee and it was extremely fun to watch her argue. We were fourth on the docket so I actually was able to witness three other arguments by lawyers. It was a really great experience. On our way back, I logged in via zoom to the Direct and Cross Seminar, which was likewise just as informational as the other seminars.
Wednesday, Eric presented his case summaries at the Orlando Attorney Luncheon. I was able to listen and learn from him since I will be presenting in two weeks. He did an awesome job. I was able to finally get some assignments out of the way. I finished a small research I had for Frank Sheppard and was able to get an assignment out of the way or Sally as well.
Thursday, Eric and I headed to Tampa with Kaye Daugherty and Angela Sterley to meet Phoenix and Grace for the Closing Argument workshop. Although I was extremely nervous, especially since I went first, it turned out really great. I was able to get feedback from attorneys, my peers, and even those in administration like Kaye and Angela. It was also great to watch Eric, Phoenix and Grace adjust to the criticism I was given, I think it showed their ability to change on the go. After that, we had lunch at the Columbia restaurant in Ybor city where the bread was absolutely amazing. They give you sort of a small loaf individually and I love bread. I am the type of person who likes to eat all of the bread and ask for more, so this was perfect for me. After that, we headed back to Orlando, barely missing traffic.
Friday, after a very long and busy week, I was happy to be able to sit at my desk and just complete assignments. I had a small meeting with associate Robert Barton who allowed me to draft a Motion to dismiss for an insurance case; met with associate Samantha Duke regarding punitive damages for a strict liability case; and turned in some work for partner LaShawnda Jackson. I also worked on the reply brief that Of Counsel Brad Davis assigned both Eric and me. We are one week away from July and that much closer to the mock trial.