Practice, Practice and More Practice
Practice, Practice and More Practice
I know that I keep saying this every week, but week 8 was by far the busiest I have had during my tenure as a summer associate at RumbergerKirk. Between preparing for mock trial practice, actually practicing, and receiving countless assignments from various attorneys at the firm, I had to juggle so much. But, now it is mock trial week and I couldn’t be more excited to finalize my examinations, opening statement, and closing argument!
Week 8 began with diving into the mock trial problem more than I had the preceding week, as Michaela Kirn, the Orlando office’s summer associate and my mock trial partner, and I had our first practice on Monday night. I spent a few hours during the day preparing a draft of my opening statement, but also received assignments to draft a full motion pertaining to trying to prevent a plaintiff from appearing at our deposition by telephone/video and research some issues governed by California law.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, I was able to focus on the mock trial problem more so than the other days of the week. With direct and cross examination practice each day, respectively, I wanted to impress my coaches and be prepared. Although I realized afterward that all four of my scripts were going to need to be re-shaped almost in full, I received some invaluable constructive criticism and feedback that I think I will carry for the entirety of my legal career. I hope to implement that feedback into this week’s practices and continue to work toward winning the mock trial competition one week from today!
On Thursday and Friday, I had to juggle more assignments with working on the mock trial problem, including researching two distinct issues on what costs a prevailing party is entitled to in Florida, and the doctrine of impossibility/force majeure clauses in contracts. After finishing my research, I typed up full memoranda of law for each client, and then went back to revising my scripts for practice.