The Mock Trial Came and Went
The Mock Trial Came and Went
Well… the mock trial has finally passed. The last (almost) three weeks prepping for it have been insanely busy. Preparing for the mock trial, while also still completing a lot of substantive work, was a challenge to say the least. However, it definitely gave me a taste of what it is like for a real trial attorney. I was lucky enough to attend a live trial last week and watch partner Scott Sarason in action. Since I haven’t attended a civil trial before, I took notes on a lot of the techniques used by both sides.

I traveled to Orlando early Sunday morning and met my partner, Paris, at the office to practice for the remainder of the day. We practiced our openings, closings, direct examinations, and cross examinations. We also prepared for our motions in limine. Monday morning we did last minute touches and printed out all of the materials we needed. The moment we had been waiting for all summer had finally arrived.
I’ll be honest, I don’t remember a lot of what I said during the mock trial itself. It went by so quickly and it was unpredictable! In the first trial Paris and I were hit with some curveballs by “Chief Judge” partner Rob Blank, and were unable to admit a lot of evidence we had planned. In hindsight—which is always 20/20—it kept the mock trial less “mock,” and more realistic. I have been told many times over the course of the Summer Associate Program that anything can happen at trial, and now I can finally grasp what is really meant by that statement. Grace, Eric, and Paris all did a fantastic job and it was neat to see their unique personalities come to life. It was evident that we all put in a lot of work, but it was even more evident that attorneys and staff in every office took part in the mock trial to ensure it was a fun and successful experience for Paris, Eric, Grace, and me. I would like to especially thank all of my coaches over the last few weeks for your time and commitment to teaching Paris and I. It is appreciated more than you know!Now, back in Miami, I have had a chance to reflect on my entire experience at Rumberger this summer. I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. From attending hearings, workshops, seminars, mediations, and even a trial, I have been exposed to so many things that simply cannot be learned in the walls of a classroom. I am especially grateful to all of the Miami attorneys who have mentored me along the way. While I am sad that this is my last week as a Summer Associate at Rumberger, I am happy to have gained everything I have. Only one more year of law school to go!