Week three was full of work, work, work!
Week three was full of work, work, work!

On Monday, the Summer Associates attended a virtual meeting with Orlando partner Steve Klein. Steve explained the summer writing competition, gave us some tips, and officially released our prompt. We have just over a week to prepare a motion and a memo that will be read by various attorneys at the firm. I have never written a motion before so I am definitely very nervous. I just keep reminding myself that even though I know my submission won’t be perfect, the feedback and comments I will receive from those reading my assignment will be extremely helpful.
The week moved along quickly as I worked through the assignments I needed to complete, as well worked on the writing competition assignment. Thursday, I spent the day in the office. I was a bit nervous to go to the office because the infection rates in Tampa have been a little high. However, everyone in the building is now required to wear masks in all public areas and everyone in the office has been doing a great job distancing and keeping things sanitary.
Although I am not able to see as many attorneys throughout the week, everyone does a great job reaching out to me periodically to offer assistance and support or just say hello. Speaking of, I was able to talk to Shenele Bright from the Orlando office. After I told her about a couple of assignments I was concerned about, she gave me amazing tips on how to approach them a little bit differently, which I was able to use to complete my work. I was very grateful for her reaching out and scheduling time to speak with me.
At the end of the week I had a few more assignments due and then I had to dive into my writing competition assignment. I can’t believe after next week we are nearly half way through! Even though time is flying by, I am enjoying every minute!