I really can’t believe we are already halfway through our summer program! Reflecting on my first five weeks, I’ve realized how much I’ve learned and how I’m constantly checking new things off my summer associate log list.
The week started with finishing a research memo for partner Doug Ede with regard to ADA liability for tenants and landlords and a research memo for partner Jens Ruiz and my mentor Brittney Polo on expert discovery. Following these research assignments, I began drafting a motion in limine for partner Suzanne Singer.

On Tuesday, the summer associates met for a deposition seminar with Orlando partner Skip Eubanks. It was very informative to hear Skip’s tips on stylistic approaches and strategy. Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen a few different depositions so it’s always interesting to see each person’s style and approach. Additionally, being able to sit in on depositions has given me insight into how I may want to approach my own depositions and begin creating my own style.
Following the seminar, I continued working on assignments that flowed in while also beginning to prep my case briefs presentation for Thursday. This was the second time I presented at the Thursday attorneys’ lunch about recently decided cases. This week, my two cases involved motions to dismiss based on improper venue in the second DCA. After the presentation, Andy and I were invited by Administrative Partner Scott Sarason to attend his mediation for a premise liability case. This was my first time sitting in on a mediation so I learned a lot about how to effectively present your case to a plaintiff and co-defendants in a setting that favors working towards flexible resolutions. At the end of the day on Thursday, I went to a fun happy hour with associates Erin Weinstock, Brittney Polo, Jessica Kerbel, and Phoebe Thomas at The River Oyster Bar.
I wrapped up the week with some research on tort reform and new updates for partner Mike Holt. Additionally, Erin and partner Mike Holt took Andy and me to lunch at Moxies, which was a nice treat to end the week. After lunch, I drafted some interrogatories and a request for production to a plaintiff in a premise liability case for partner Gigi Cordova. Finally, I ended the day by looking over the summer associate deposition workshop materials to begin preparing to depose my first witness in the next coming weeks.