Each Week is Filled with New and Insightful Experiences

by Ashley Bechtold
Week 7

This summer is going by so quickly! I’ve learned so much over the past seven weeks and I continue to have new and insightful experiences each week.

On Monday, I finalized some assignments from the previous week and spent the morning prepping for the Summer Associate Deposition Workshop. This was one of the most fun workshops we’ve had so far because I really felt like a lawyer thinking on my feet. I had to create an outline of questions to ensure that I got all information relating to liability and damages as I could. However, I also had to make sure not to be so committed to this outline so that I could listen to the witness and form questions based on his responses. Partner Skip Eubanks was a great first witness to depose!

Following the deposition, I began drafting a motion for summary judgment relating to a construction defect case and drafting a research memo on Bar violations. It’s great being able to get such a range of assignments each week because I’m starting to get a feel of which practice areas and assignments I gravitate towards.

On Tuesday, I began a research memo regarding attorney-client privilege and mutual assent. This was a super interesting issue to research especially because the cases I had to brief a few weeks ago for the attorney luncheon were related to this topic. 

On Wednesday, we attended the attorney lunch meeting where associate Jessica Kerbel gave two great case briefs. Following lunch, Andy and I attended a client strategy meeting with Administrative Partner Scott Sarason. It was very informative to see how Scott and the client’s national counsel and general counsel work together and bounce ideas off of each other. Additionally, what really stuck out to me is the importance of tailoring pleadings and hearings to the judge who is presiding over the case because each judge has a different style they prefer.

Another delicious lunch getting to know everyone!

On Thursday, Andy and I were treated to a delicious lunch at Motek with Managing Partner Frank Sheppard, partner Gigi Cordova, and associates (and mentors) Erin Weinstock and Brittney Polo. During lunch, it was great being able to hear Frank’s experiences as an attorney and the range of work he has done. I even found out he was the attorney for a Florida Supreme Court case I read in my medical malpractice class at FIU!

Friday was another workshop day! I spent the morning prepping for our Motion Practice Workshop with partner Samantha Duke. We got to argue our Daubert motions and Samantha responded as plaintiff and asked questions throughout as judge. This was a great experience to see how my moot court skills can help when arguing motions. At the end of the week, we were given all our mock trial assignment materials and assigned our partner! I’m excited to start prepping for the mock trial!

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