Week seven here in the office was full of work! I had lots of different assignments during the week including memos, summaries, case evaluations, and was even assigned some long-term assignments to complete before I leave at the end of the summer. On Monday, we had our monthly Associate College presentation, where we learned more about trial techniques, specifically entering evidence, using demonstratives and impeachment. Perfect timing with the Summer Associate Mock Trial competition coming up in a few weeks.
On Tuesday, I had the chance to attend a motion hearing with associate Jaime Reitz. It was super interesting to see how things played out and how attorneys conduct these hearings via zoom rather than in person. Later in the week, I had the chance to observe partner Rob Blank prepare a witness for his upcoming trial next week.
Even though we live in a virtual world, where most hearings or meetings happen online, I did have the chance this week to step away from the office for some in-person assignments. On Wednesday, associate Madison Miller and I went to an inspection. With this being the first inspection I have observed, I had no idea what to expect or how long it would take. It ended up only being a few hours, but it was nice getting some time in the sun and learning about the different technology our expert used to complete the inspection.
On Thursday, I was summoned for a light-hearted ping-pong match on the 16th floor of our building with partner Rob Blank. As terrified as I was to lose, Rob and I came together and destroyed the other team (which happened to include Rob’s son who works in the building), bringing the victory back to Rumberger.
After all the fun was over, I wrapped up my week attending an in-person deposition with Jaime. We ended up getting some lunch afterwards before heading back to the office. Once we got back, I went straight to our summer associate meeting, where we discussed the upcoming mock trial and learned what we should expect with the last few weeks of work. It is crazy to think there are only a few weeks left! It feels like we just started yesterday. I cannot wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the summer!