We kicked off Monday of week seven with an “Associate College” presentation from partner LaShawnda Jackson on “How to Introduce Exhibits, Impeach a Witness, and/or Refresh a Witness’s Recollection.” It was a gripping hour-long presentation that included iconic scenes from legal comedic and dramatic films. As a law student, I have yet to take Evidence. Still, I was able to grasp the entire presentation and am more excited and confident about how to incorporate the elements of evidence into the upcoming mock trial and taking Evidence this coming spring. Additionally, I appreciate that Rumberger invests in its associates by hosting educational programs like the monthly Associate College workshops led by partners.
This week, I continued working on a research project for partner Scott Williams regarding a niche area of bankruptcy that intersected with healthcare law. The research excited me because I took Healthcare Law last spring, and the class was touted as one of the most challenging classes at UA Law. So, in retrospect, as I was conducting research for Scott, I was grateful for the rigor of the course. I emailed my healthcare law professor and thanked him because, in the words of a different professor at UA Law, “hard work is never wasted.”
As the week progressed, partner Jimmy Walsh conducted the Birmingham office’s attorney’s luncheon by discussing the impact of AI and ChatGPT on the legal field. It was an informative and enlightening discussion.
The week concluded with me and the other five summer associates meeting with partner Patrick Delaney via Zoom, discussing the upcoming mock trial in greater detail. During the previous six weeks, we were under the impression that we would be paired in teams, but Patrick surprised us by letting us know that we would not be paired, but rather each of us would be conducting the entire mock trial as either the plaintiff’s attorney or as the defendant’s attorney. While the change in plans was a shock at first, all of us are up for the challenge and we have now entered trial preparation mode!