This week was filled to the brim with so many exciting opportunities and experiences. From writing my first filed court pleading to practicing depositions with partner David Marsey and associates Blake Bonsack and Jaime Reitz, I can hardly believe that this was all accomplished in the span of a week.
I am very excited and proud to have my Response in Opposition to a Motion to Vacate used by the firm in an actual court case. This assignment was very challenging as I was tasked with writing our response to the plaintiff’s motion to vacate, even though I have never written in response to a motion before. After researching case law and past firm files, I was ready to tackle this challenge. Of course, I had excellent guidance from my mentor, associate Devin Topper, who kept me on the right track while I formulated an outline for my response. Ultimately, I created a response that gave me immense confidence in my legal writing skills as we filed it with the court the day I finished drafting it.

Beyond my motion writing experience, I have worked on multiple smaller assignments this week, such as my deposition workshop assignment and my drafting of a Motion in Limine that focuses on the new tort reform law. It is difficult to truly appreciate the immense amount of experience I have gained so far, and this is only the second week of being a summer associate
Of special note, I went to a local mall with Devin during work this week as we needed any potential surveillance videos relevant to our case. I greatly appreciated this “field trip” as it allowed me to get out of the office and into the “real world.”
I could reflect for hours on end, but to save everyone the time, let me just reiterate that I am having a fantastic time at RumbergerKirk!