On Monday, partner LaShawnda Jackson gave a presentation on introducing exhibits and impeaching witnesses during the Associate College luncheon. Her presentation was very helpful and a great reminder of a lot of what I learned in my evidence class last semester.
During the attorney lunch on Wednesday, Nick and I each gave a presentation on a recent or current case. Since I am extremely interested in tax law, I chose to give a presentation on the Charles G. Moore, et ux., Petitioners v. United States case out of the Ninth Circuit that was granted certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court just a few weeks ago. The case is the first federal income tax case to be granted certiorari by the Supreme Court since 2001, so this one is a big deal. I loved giving my presentation since I also felt like it was an opportunity to showcase my understanding and grasp of tax law. I saw a handful of confused faces during parts of the presentation, but I expected that and planned for it by including some examples that portrayed aspects of what the case is about.
On Thursday, I attended partner Suzanne Hill’s mediation for a legal malpractice case that was held in-person at the office. This was an incredible experience because it was so impressive and informative to watch Suzanne interact with the other attorneys on our side, the mediator, and the plaintiff. In the end, the case settled for a number that was favorable for the client, which was very impressive to witness.
Thursday evening we went to the Orange County Bar Association YLS event held at the Orange County Regional History Center. It was great to enjoy food and drinks with attorneys, judges, and other law clerks from all around Orange County.
On Saturday, partner Steve Klein held a barbecue for the associates and attorneys. We had brisket, pulled pork, and chicken. The food was delicious and it was great to spend time with everyone outside of the office! Nick and I especially enjoyed checking out Steve’s collection of vintage cars.