Say It Ain’t So, the Summer is Half Over?

by Madison Temple
Week 5

How are we halfway through the Summer Associate Program already?! I started my Monday off by attending my first Monday morning attorney meeting. Each associate and partner took turns letting everyone know of what was on their schedule for the next couple of weeks, and it was nice being in the loop. For the rest of the day, I spent time working on some pending assignments, such as conducting research on interrogatory verifications.

Tuesday was another day spent on drafting motions for summary judgment and motions to dismiss while conducting research on both. I also watched associate Robert Barton argue a motion for summary judgement – and he won! I could tell that he spent a lot of time preparing for that argument, and it definitely paid off. The day ended by the associates, partners, and myself attending one of the coolest dinners I have ever been to at Rocca. A huge shout out to my mentor, Blake Bonsack, who set up everything for us, as his brother is the chef! We even got to sit backstage right next to the kitchen and joked about how it felt like we were on a reality TV cooking show.

“Chef’s Table” at Rocca – best dinner ever!

On Wednesday, the summer associates attended a seminar focused on how to perfect a deposition hosted by partner Skip Eubanks. He provided a ton of great advice and information on how to execute a deposition, and gave us some funny stories on depositions he has taken along the way.

I started my day in St. Petersburg on Thursday attending some fact witness depositions with associate Joe Connick. This was my first chance to watch a deposition in person as well as watch a fact witness being deposed. It is really interesting to compare the differences, not only between in-person and zoom, but as well as what type of witness is being deposed. Joe did a great job!

I finished up the week by continuing to work on the assignments I had been given, and I also got to attend a presentation focused on billing. Partner Rob Blank and an attorney working as in-house counsel were able to answer a multitude of questions regarding the matter, and it was extremely helpful to see how both perspectives differed and where they were similar.

Here’s to being halfway through the summer, and I am looking forward to seeing what the other half has in store for me!

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