The End is Near: Mock Trial Prep and Direct and Cross Examination Practice

by Madison Temple
Week 8

Where is the time going?! Week eight with the program has come and gone and with each passing week I can’t believe how close we are to the summer coming to an end. This week was a good balance of research and practical law. I spent a good part of my Monday doing some research on ex parte communications. I also had the pleasure of joining in on the Associate College presentation where partner Damien Orato gave an excellent presentation on trial prep strategies.

Madison updates the office on upcoming changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure

Speaking of trial strategies – mock trial practices began this week! I spent a few days this week working with my partner Erica, as well as our mentors—associates Blake Bonsack and Sara Kallop—to begin prepping our case for the mock trial. Erica and I are will be defending our client, so I am really interested to see what the final product will be once it’s time to try our case.

On Wednesday the office joined me as I gave a presentation on the upcoming rule changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure that will be enacted at the beginning of 2025. There’s a lot of them, so I definitely recommend checking those out if you use them in your everyday practice.

Thursday was a jam packed day! I started my morning with working on an assignment then later met with the mock trial team. For lunch, the office hosted the annual Multicultural Food Festival.  The office was filled with all kinds of delicious food and it was really nice getting to see the office all together! I ended the day by attending the Direct and Cross Examination Workshop hosted by partners Scott Sarason and Suzanne Singer. We all took turns directing a plaintiff and crossing the plaintiff. Everyone did a great job and it makes me even more excited for the mock trial coming up, soon!

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